Academy Allergy Asthma and Sinus Center
"You are truly an angel in disguise"
One of many compliments

Wow! A patient’s mother called me an angel.
Am I gloating about a compliment I received in my 34 years of practice? Not at all; please check out many more compliments - here and here.
Eons ago, after finishing my fellowship at the prestigious National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado, I dared to open an allergy practice on my own. What an adventure! Strenuous but exhilarating and soul-soothing.
My patients and I created a win-win situation. While thousands of patients benefited from my care, I earned my livelihood and kept my wife jubilant by supporting her shopping habit. Just kidding! She spends money more judiciously than I do. I earned a good living which helped me to raise my children. I heeded Dr. Benjamin Franklin's counsel, “do well by doing good.”
Incidentally, I do not eat meat, as my parents, who as Hindus, pursued a vegetarian diet. I read Mahatma Gandhi, Ben Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, MLK, and others, and I believe we can resolve our problems through dialogue, not violence. To see Mr. Thoreau’s cabin, I visited Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts.
I delight in relieving patients’ miseries by diagnosing their medical problems correctly and prescribing judicious treatment; for example, my goals for asthma patients are:
No cough at night, which results in restful sleep
No cough after exertion, so no fear of exercise, which improves fitness and weight.
No ER visits for asthma exacerbations, consequently saving money and not suffering from ER hassles
No death from severe asthma exacerbations; live another day to enjoy our great country
On and on
Besides treating asthma, I treat numerous conditions such as cough; bronchitis; rhinitis; sinusitis; nasal polyps; food allergies and intolerances; rashes; eczema; contact allergies; hives; anaphylaxis; drug and insect allergies; immune problems; and other allergic diseases.
After collaborating with patients and reviewing their health insurance formulary, I prescribe the most cost-effective medications. Like many citizens, I own pharmaceutical and device manufacturers stocks in my retirement plan and business. Again, I do not hesitate to change to alternate medications suggested by the patient's insurance company.
The covid pandemic killed and maimed millions. Lockdowns also produced immense human suffering. Fortunately, one silver lining - rebirth and a profusion of telemedicine. So, I decided to reach out to needy patients with the skills I mastered in my 34 years of practice. Now we provide telehealth to patients in Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
After surfing this website, if you decide to get help, fill out the new patient form and submit it to us. Please contact us again if you don’t hear from us in 2-3 business days.
In some cases, after analyzing your information, if I find that I won't be able to help you as a doctor, my team will let you know.
I do not claim perfectness. If you do not find my services satisfactory, please provide your feedback which will allow me to rectify my shortcomings.
Thank you for your consideration.